First, into Boise to visit an old friend that we hadn't seen in over 18 years.
Michelle was our neighbor in Shell Beach when we were young business owners
(The Paperback Shack).
She and Gwen had kept contact all this time.
She and her husband Terry procured a level spot right next to their home, and graciously showed us some of the sights around town.
Boise is obviously a very nice place to live, with a university, museums and all the cultural trappings that go along with that.
After a few days and several thousand words catching up, we headed straight north to see the "Panhandle"
Often following the Lewis and Clark trail, we tried to avoid the big highways.
Highway 13 along the Clearwater river is wonderful, we found easy camping along the water, waterfalls, mountains, rolling fields of wheat with picturesque farms.
Almost every one of them sporting a perfect red barn.
Our last stop was at Sandpoint Idaho
Located on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille, Sandpoint is kind of an over-the-top
tourist area, there are ski resorts a few miles away at Schweitzer Mountain The lake boasts a yacht/ sailing club, we watched a regatta from the pristine city beach then took the BMW (our dingy) for a ride to the ski resort for a microbrew/ music festival
(Our favorite was the "Rocket Dog IPA" brewed in Sandpoint)
Then it started hailing on us.
Not the most comfortable thing for motorcycling so "down the hatch" fast and down the mountain too.
The weather was still holding pretty nice most of the time, so North we go, across the border into...
Gorgeous pictures. You sure picked a beautiful area to meander around in. Loved the John Day story. There's a new book out about place names. Likely we'd all be horrified to learn the real stories behind so many of our town's origins and names. Glad you're having a grand time!
I'm so jealous of your ability to just up-n-leave and go exploring. Keep on providing the great updates!
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